Founder Story
Hi, I'm Joash, one of the co-founders of Hone Aroma. Our journey started like many great stories do—with a spark of inspiration, a touch of frustration, and a whole lot of trial and error. Let me tell you why we created Hone Aroma.
Back in my 20s, I didn't know a single thing about home scents. That changed when I met my wife. She was all about scents—scented candles, room sprays, you name it. I still remember the first time I lit one of her candles. It was like magic. But as much as I loved that warm, cozy feeling, I couldn't shake my worries about leaving an open flame in a house with pets. Every time I lit a candle, I found myself constantly checking for any sign of a fire.
So, I moved on to candle warmers. They solved the safety problem, but not without a catch. They used loads of electricity and still didn't quite capture the bold fragrance of a burning candle. I knew there had to be something better.
Next, I tried room sprays. The scent was nice, but it lasted all of five minutes. I found myself spraying constantly just to keep the room fresh. Not ideal.
Then came reed diffusers. Flameless, fuss-free, and aesthetically pleasing—it seemed like the answer. But after setting one up at home, I quickly realized the coverage was weak. And, to my horror, the oil seemed to attract bugs. If you've used reed diffusers before, you know exactly what I'm talking about!
People then suggested humidifiers. But I grew tired of constantly refilling the water reservoir every other day. Maybe it's just me, but I love convenience. I wanted something that would make my home smell incredible without all the fuss—no open flames, no constant refilling, no compromising on scent strength.
I knew there had to be a better solution: that's how Hone Aroma's pillar scent diffuser™ was born.
Our signature pillar scent diffuser™, also known as a cold-air diffuser, was designed to solve every problem I faced in my scent journey. It uses pressurized air to diffuse pure aroma oils—no heat, no flame, no water. It’s safe for me and my pets, incredibly powerful, and blissfully fuss-free. This is why it’s become our No. 1 best-selling living room diffuser.
Hone Aroma was made so that no one else would have to go through the trial and error I did—wasting time, energy, and money trying to find the perfect way to scent your space. We've done the work, so you don’t have to. Just sit back, relax, and let the magic of scent fill your home.